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时间:2014-08-01 14:31作者:qazwsxzxc人气:171


PHP 5.6.0 RC3 发布


- Core:
. Fixed bug #67497 (eval with parse error causes segmentation fault in
generator). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #67151 (strtr with empty array crashes). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #67407 (Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2 reported as Windows 8/Server
2012). (Christian Wenz)
. Fixed bug #66608 (Incorrect behavior with nested "finally" blocks).
(Laruence, Dmitry)
. Implemented FR #34407 (ucwords and Title Case). (Tjerk)

- COM:
. Fixed missing type checks in com_event_sink (Yussuf Khalil, Stas).

- CLI server:
. Fixed bug #66830 (Empty header causes PHP built-in web server to hang).
. Fixed bug #67594 (Unable to access to apache_request_headers() elements).

- FPM:
. Fixed bug #67530 (error_log=syslog ignored). (Remi)
. Fixed bug #67635 (php links to systemd libraries without using pkg-config).
(pacho@gentoo.org, Remi)

- Intl:
. Fixed bug #66921 (Wrong argument type hint for function
intltz_from_date_time_zone). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #67052 (NumberFormatter::parse() resets LC_NUMERIC setting).

- pgsql:
. Fixed bug #67555 (Cannot build against libpq 7.3). (Adam)

. Fixed bug #60616 (odbc_fetch_into returns junk at end of multi-byte char
fields). (Keyur Govande)

- OpenSSL:
. Fixed missing type checks in OpenSSL options (Yussuf Khalil, Stas).
. Fixed bug #67609 (TLS connections fail behind HTTP proxy). (Daniel Lowrey)
. Fixed broken build against OpenSSL older than 0.9.8 where ECDH unavailable.
(Lior Kaplan)
. Fixed bug #67666 (Subject altNames doesn't support wildcard matching). (Tjerk)

- Phar:
. Fixed bug #67587 (Redirection loop on nginx with FPM). (Christian Weiske)

- readline:
. Fixed bug #55496 (Interactive mode doesn't force a newline before the
prompt). (Bob, Johannes)
. Fixed bug #67496 (Save command history when exiting interactive shell
with control-c). (Dmitry Saprykin, Johannes)

- Reflection:
. Implemented FR #67713 (loosen the restrictions on
ReflectionClass::newInstanceWithoutConstructor()). (Ferenc)

- SPL:
. Fixed bug #67539 (ArrayIterator use-after-free due to object change during
sorting). (research at insighti dot org, Laruence)
. Fixed bug #67538 (SPL Iterators use-after-free). (CVE-2014-4670) (Laruence)

- Session:
. Fixed missing type checks in php_session_create_id (Yussuf Khalil, Stas).
. Fixed bug #66827 (Session raises E_NOTICE when session name variable is array).

- OPCache:
. Fixed bug #67215 (php-cgi work with opcache, may be segmentation fault
happen) (Dmitry, Laruence)

- phpdbg
. Fixed bug #67575 (Compilation fails for phpdbg when the
build directory != src directory). (Andy Thompson)

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