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Cisco 字典
大小:440 KB - 简体中文 - 免费软件 - 网络安全

Computer networks have become a vital tool in the daily operations of businesses around the world. For example, employees in an accounting department can use a common database to access and share customer account information using DECnet. 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_server/43910.html 更新:2010-02-26

Struts in Action
大小:2.2 MB - 英文 - 免费软件 - JAVA教程

Manning Struts in Action Java Web Framework Struts。 最成熟稳定的框架之一。。。 The Struts framework joins together several related technologies so that web developers can create standards-based applications that are easier to build,extend 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_program/71877.html 更新:2011-02-15

MyBatis User Guide
大小:486 KB - 英文 - 免费软件 - JAVA教程

MyBatis is a first class persistence framework with support for custom SQL, stored procedures and advanced mappings. MyBatis eliminates almost all of the JDBC code and manual setting of parameters and retrieval of results. MyBatis can use 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_program/73138.html 更新:2011-05-06

Programming Active Server Pages(CHM)
大小:2.15MB - 简体中文 - 免费软件 - asp教程

软件介绍 英文版 What a difference one product cycle can make! Not long ago, conventional wisdom had Microsoft dead at the hands of the Internet. Today it isn't news to anyone that Microsoft has successfully recast itself as an ally of the 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_develop/6029.html 更新:2009-08-12