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软件介绍 为高级开发人员提供了深度指导,包含了完整的有关XML在.NET架构中的参考资料,该书旨在帮助你理解这两种技术的交叉点,以最大化提升效能 详情>>

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软件介绍 原名:Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache in 24 Hours, Second Edition,英文 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_develop/6500.html 更新:2009-08-17

深入浅出Servlets and JSP(第二版)
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PHP and MySQL for Dummies(第二版)
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软件介绍 一本介绍如何使用PHP和MYSQL这两种INTERNET上广泛使用的工具开发WEB应用程序的书,英文 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_develop/6502.html 更新:2009-08-17

Oreilly Java Servlet And JSP Cookbook(CHM)
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软件介绍 一本关于开发JavaServer Pages和servlets的电子书,其中包含上百个实例和几千行源代码 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_develop/6593.html 更新:2009-08-17

.NET Mobile Web Developer’s Guide
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英文书籍,附带源代码! Develop and Deliver Enterprise-Critical Mobile Web Applications Complete Case Studies with Ready-to-Run Source Code and Full Explanations Hundreds of Developing Deploying, and Debugging Sidebars, Security Alerts, and 详情>>

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中文译名:MySQL 宝典 作者:Steve Suehring Organization: The book is divided into five parts: Getting Starated with MySQL and Relational Databases; Understanding SQL Through MySQL; MySQL Administration; MySQL Developer Guide; and Advanced and 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_database/71525.html 更新:2011-01-11

MyBatis User Guide
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MyBatis is a first class persistence framework with support for custom SQL, stored procedures and advanced mappings. MyBatis eliminates almost all of the JDBC code and manual setting of parameters and retrieval of results. MyBatis can use 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_program/73138.html 更新:2011-05-06

大小:159 KB - 简体中文 - 免费软件 - C/C++教程

C++ API调用MySQL,英文PDF文档 This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in yo 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_program/71529.html 更新:2011-01-11