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Maven权威指南是一本关于Apache Maven的书。 目录: Copyright 1. Creative Commons BY-ND-NC Foreword: Beta 0.16 Preface 1. How to Use this Book 2. Your Feedback 3. Font Conventions 4. Maven Writing Conventions 5. Acknowledgements 1. 介绍 Apach 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_program/72625.html 更新:2011-04-02

大小:159 KB - 简体中文 - 免费软件 - C/C++教程

C++ API调用MySQL,英文PDF文档 This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in yo 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_program/71529.html 更新:2011-01-11

调用当前作者发布的文章插件 for DedeCMS
大小:2 KB - 简体中文 - 免费软件 - 邮件邮箱

其实 5.5 本身是支持调用当前作者或指定作者发布的文章的, 调用方法如下: {dede:arclistwriter='this' typeid='top'} [field:textlink /]br / {/dede:arclist} 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/asp/70001.html 更新:2010-10-25

大小:6.91 MB - 简体中文 - 免费软件 - 其它插件

==================== 开发说明(README) This is a webim plugin demo for struts2 web application. Demo ==== Import 'Webim' Project to Eclipse EE. Create Tomcat Server and Run Access: http://localhost:8080/Webim/ Developer Guide ============== 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/chajian/110241.html 更新:2014-10-17

安全企业网络设计原理 第一部分
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This presentation provides a tit for tatdescription of a fictional electronic war between an irritable yetdetermined cracker and an overworked, but wellfunded, IT staff. Any similarities to yourcurrentenvironment is purely coincidental. Ci 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_server/46319.html 更新:2010-03-22

KDevelop User Manual 用户手册
大小:2.4 MB - 英文 - 免费软件 - C/C++教程

This user manual is intended to describe the contents and use of the KDevelop 3.3.91 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) from a users point of view. It is not a programming manual, nor does it describe the development process in detai 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_program/72793.html 更新:2011-04-14

版主申请插件 for Discuz!7.0 GBK
大小:14 KB - 简体中文 - 免费软件 - Discuz!插件

---安---装---步---骤---开---始--- 第一步:修改include/db_mysql.class.php(以前做过这种修改的就不用再次来做了,否则会出错!) -------------------------------------------------- 在 function affected_rows() { return mysql_affected_rows($this-link) 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/chajian/69893.html 更新:2010-10-21

名人堂插件 for Discuz!7.0 GBK
大小:27 KB - 简体中文 - 免费软件 - Discuz!插件

---安---装---步---骤---开---始--- 第一步:修改include/db_mysql.class.php(以前做过这种修改的就不用再次来做了,否则会出错!) -------------------------------------------------- 在 function affected_rows() { return mysql_affected_rows($this-link) 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/chajian/69897.html 更新:2010-10-21

大小:249 MB - 简体中文 - 免费软件 - VB教程

...优越性。 关键词:CPLD 双口RAM 数据传输 OMAP AD9861 Abstract: This article introdu 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/edu_program/69930.html 更新:2010-10-22

大小:3.23 MB - 简体中文 - 免费软件 - 其它插件

webim-for-struts1 开发说明: ==================== This is a webim plugin demo for struts1 web application. Demo ==== 1. Import 'Webim' Project to Eclipse EE. 2. Create Tomcat Server and Run 3. Access: http://localhost:8080/Webim/ Develop 详情>>

https://www.a5xiazai.com/chajian/109986.html 更新:2014-10-18